



音楽は人の心を開きます。足をとめてくれた人たちは、気さくに話してくれて、宣教師が手渡した復活祭のメディアカードを受け取ってくれます。(#ハレルヤ=主をほめたたえよ)  著者は専任宣教師として働いていた時に、道行く人に声をかける街頭伝道をしましたが、身構えられてしまうことが多かったように思います。ですからこれほど多くの人とこんなに短時間で交流できるのは、やはり音楽の力としか考えられません。


クライン姉妹、ヘンダーソン姉妹、前田 美佳子さん





Sister Missionaries Using Their Musical Talents to Share the Gospel



Unique Musical Missionary Work

   The dry wind has become millder in this pacific coast of Hamamatsu, Japan.  Under the March sky, you can hear beautiful sounds of music in the valley of buildings.  It is a spring break here in Japan, and there are families, students and tourists crossing the plaza in front of the Hamamatsu railroad station.

This young lady who plays the music is Sister Cline, a Mormon missionary from Utah.  She is serving as a full-time missionary in Hamamatsu.  The instrument she’s playing is a portable Harp, which she is borrowing from a member she met in Japan.  Her companion is Sister Henderson from California.  

The two missionaries and a member of the local Mormon church play the harp, the violin, and sing.  Some pedestrians stop to hear their music, and Sister Henderson talks to them about Mormon church and the Easter.  (It was four days before the Easter)

Music opens people’s hearts.  Those who stopped to listen are pretty freindly, and aren`t hesitant to recieve copies of media card about Easter.  (#Hallelujah—An Easter Message about Jesus Christ)  The author herself did some streeting during her mission, but she felt like people were on guard when talked by strangers.  It must be music that enables this much interactions within a few hours.


クライン姉妹、ヘンダーソン姉妹、前田 美佳子さん

“Is it an Irish harp?”, a guy in the business suits asked.  A pianist for other church’s choir was visiting from Osaka.  An older lady and a granddaughter listened while holding hands together.  Parents and kids… An university student carrying a violin on his back wants to take a picture of sister missionaries.  A young man stretched his arms to donate a coin, which was not taken up.  It is a fun way to meet new people.
Easter this year was on Sunday the March 27th.  The General Conference of Momoron church was held on April 2nd and 3rd in Salt Lake City, Utah.  In Japan, conference videos will be viewed at each ward and branch the week after the conference.  I have such a gratitude for the missionaries who work in Hamamatsu, and missionaries all over the world.  May the great work shall keep pressing forward.

This article is written by Mikako Maeda who works for More Good Foundation.